Saturday, October 29, 2011

Shoot out with clones

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Thoughts i have

Man i wish an alien life form would come and take me away from this world, there is so many stupid motherfuckers on earth it is crazy, and that is the reason why i dont plan on having any kids is cause all the dumb ass people in the world.
    I mean for fuck sakes all the people who will be controlling the world soon are these lazy ass emo fuckers(not all but just from what i have been seeing lately) who always want to commit suicide but dont cause someone talks them out of it, fuck it let that person kill themselves why bother trying now if they dont want to live then dont why should i care, i have more important stuff to worry about like my own fucking life, or finding a job.
    I dont understand why i should care about some of these people who post on there facebook or twitter saying how they feel so depressed cause there boyfriend dumped them or my girlfriend is in jail what will i do i cant wash my clothes or make my own dinner with out her. Shut the hell up with that good lord grow some balls or if you a girl grow a vagina stop bitching and complaining about trivial shit. if i was in this situation where my girlfriend left me i would be like oh that sucks,WELL!!! life continues on lets go to work and try to have good day, im not gonna brew over it and be life oh she was my life, she made me feel whole. well apparently not cause she left your punk ass.
    Ok how about this where some people who had a break up with this person they supposedly love and they filp the fuck out and go on a killing spree where they kill her and like 15 other people, its like what the fuck really you are so weak that this single person made you go psycho killed people then got thrown in jail (unless you killed your self?) and now you dont have her plus you dont have any fucking freedom to do anything now, if you would have maybe thought about things, maybe had said it was all for the better i can find someone more compatible for me, you wouldnt be in that situation.
    The reason why i talked about some of this was cause i saw something on my book of the face and saw that someone said that they are scared of what might happen and when someone dug down deep of why they said that they found out the person had stopped taking there meds for bipolar or some fucking disease, and then they tried to help this person and say they should take the meds so that it will help them out, but they want to argue that they want to do this without being on meds and one thats good they want to try but you would think if it is to the point where you are contemplating suicide you should take the fucking meds to mellow your crazy dumb ass brain out. and 2 on this discussion there is another person who is being stupid and saying oh dont listen to them do it how you want to blah blah blah, i think that person right there shows the ignorance of this world on saying the opposite of what would be right, this person keeps saying that they should break free from this addiction to help make yourself a better person, and maybe its true, or maybe this supposed addiction that really isnt should be something you stay on cause if you without your meds makes you think about putting a gun in your fucking mouth and wanting to pull the trigger then i think you need those meds so that you might stay alive to take care of family that you might have.
   But i dont know im not a professional and neither are the people saying stuff to this person they are all just supposed friends to this person, but when i look at the post i see only 2 people who are the friends and those are the ones that are trying to help this person out by taking the meds so that you can level you thoughts so that something stupid might not happen, and that this other person telling you oh hey fuck those meds they just stop you from living life is the one who is not the friend your sitting here telling this person to not do something that might save this persons life how the fuck can you sit here and call yourself a friend when you dont care that they might kill themselves and there family for that matter? and i think it is funny on the post as they talk the person who is saying to not take the meds is praised for there action, while the others are basically pushed away and maybe its cause they arent on meds so they think that but i would not push the ones aside who are actually caring about your safety.
    Oh well i have babbled on for awhile but i just wanted to say that these are some of the reason why i wish there was a alien life form that would pick me up and take me to a new world but the sad part is it would prob be just as fucked up as this world is so, i have to say that i will not bring in a child to this world to have to deal with such stupidity that seems to be a continuos thing happening, i would rather just adopt and help the kids that are already here have a decent life until i expire

- jon

Sunday, October 9, 2011

its been awhile since i posted how are you?

hey guys its been a long time i know i need to keep up on this but i have been busy i was actually out of town for a bit cause of family stuff haha and i will be out again soon so i will be gone again for a while but i thought i would just say hello and if anyone is reading these thanks and i will try to post more soon