Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Very Catman Christmas

My friend and i filmed a christmas video and i edited it and all that shizzlewizzle (which is not the greatest i know but forgive me it has been a year since i have done this mess) but anyways i hope you all enjoy the new video and we are going to try our best to start making more and more videos.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Helped film a promo today

I helped film a promo for a friend of mine, it was just some random stuff for a show he is working on. it was fun to shoot, but since we didn't have all the stuff it was like well it might seem weird since my friend is supposed to be in a cat suit but we didn't have one yet. But when we work on the actual show we should have one and it will hopefully be good hehe. so here is the video hope you enjoy it and give us feedback on if there is something we should change or whatnot we will be open to suggestions.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

List of Games i own


Infamous (Platinum)
The Saboteur (Platinum)
X-man Origins: Wolverine (Platinum)
Uncharted Drakes Fortune
Uncharted 2:Among Thieves
Rouge Warrior
Battlefield 3
Call of Juarez: The Cartel
Assassin Creed
Assassin Creed 2 (Platinum)
Street Fighter 4 (is this possible?)
God of War 3
Jak and Daxter (Platinum)
Portal 2
Sims 3 (is this also possible?)
Star Wars: The Forced Unleashed
Way of the Samurai 3
Red Dead Redemption
Max Payne 3
Fallout 3
Yakuza 3
Yakuza 4
NBA Jam (Again is this possible?)
Heavy Rain (Platinum)
UFC Undisputed 2009 (another possible?)
Call of Duty: World at War
Saints Row 2
Saints Row: The Third (Platinum)
M.A.G (online game not possible to beat?)
Mortal Kombat (Another is this Possible)
WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2011 (Is this possible there was no story mode?)
Call of Duty: Black Ops
UFC Undisputed 2012 (Again possible?)
Fight Night Round 4 (Possible?)
Battlefield: Bad Company
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Demon Souls (Technically ellis beat it but i watched so i beat it as well)
Mirrors Edge
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Madden NFL 10 (Is This Possible?)
Dead Rising 2
Resident Evil 5
Marvel VS Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
The Darkness
Fight Night Round 3 (Possible?)
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
Army of Two
Lego:Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
Motor Storm (Is this possible?)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Ninja Gaiden: Zigma
Resistance: Fall of Man
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
Socom: Confrontation (its online no story)
Spiderman 3
Unreal Tournament 3 (another online only)
WarHawk (online only)
Lego: Harry Potter Years 1-4 (Platinum)
Lego: Harry Potter Years 5-7 (Platinum)
Grand Theft Auto 4
Lego: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game (Platinum)
Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires
Madden NFL 11
Batman Arkham City
Batman Arkham Asylum
Trine 2 (Platinum)
Lego: Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (Platinum)
Back To The Future: The Game (Platinum)

Xbox 360:

Fable 2
Call of Juarez
Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle Earth 2
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
Call of Duty 2
Ghost Recon 2: Advanced Warfare
Burnout: Revenge
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Gears of War
Phantasy Star: Universe
Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Dead or Alive: Xtreme 2
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
Rumble Roses
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Tony Hawk: Project 8
Earth Defense Force 2017
Lego: Star Wars 2 The Orignal Trilogy
Naruto: Rise of a Ninja
Guitar hero 2
Call of Duty 3
Tomb Raider: Legends
The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
Hitman: Blood Money
Left 4 Dead 2


Shenmue 2
Indigo Prophecy


Lunar: Silver Star Harmony
Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Crisi Core: Final Fantasy 7

(More To Come Soon)

                         List of games need to complete(Story wise) (Will Change Often)


Borderlands 2
Dead Space
Far Cry 2
Dragon Age: Orgins
Mass Effect 2
Dead Island
3D Dot Game Heroes
Katamari Forever
Prince of Persia Trilogy
Need for Speed: Shift
Need for Speed: Shift 2
Burnout Paradice
Little Big Planet
Lego: Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes
Disney Universe
God of War: Collection
Jak and Daxter 2
Jak and Daxter 3
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
Assassins Creed: Revelations
Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes
Shadow of the Colossus
Star Wars: The Forced Unleashed 2
Just Cause 2
Mafia 2
Chronicle of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
White Knight Chronicles: International Edition
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armagedden
Resonance of Fate
Final Fantasy 13
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Resistance 2
Killzone 2
Avatar: The Game
Fallout: New Vegas
Yakuza: Dead Souls
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja: Storm 2
Dues Ex: Human Revolution
Prince of Persia
Alice: Madness Returns
F.E.A.R 2: Project Orgin
Crysis 2
L.A. Noire
Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
Ghostbusters: The Video Ga,e
Medal of Honor
Skate 2
Naughty Bear
Midnight Club: Los Angeles
Duke Nukem Forever
Sonic Ultimate Genesis Collection
Fairytale Fights
Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust
Dynasty Warriors 6
Gundam Crossfire
Heavenly Sword
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim
The Bourne Conspiracy
The Orange Box
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Dante Inferno
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell HD
The Walking Dead
Uncharted 3
Lego: Indiana Jones 2, The Adventure Continues
Quantum Conundrum

Xbox 360:

Eternal Sonata
Mass Effect
Blue Dragon
Lost Odyssey
Vampire Rain (Worst game ever)
Kengo: Legend of the 9 (2nd worst game ever)
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
Two Worlds (3rd Worst game ever)
Enchanted Arms
Infinite Undiscovery


Final Fantasy Tactics
Jeanne D'Arc
Snk Arcade Classics Vol 1
Killzone: Liberation

(More To Come Soon)

    List of games still need to play for the first time (Will Change Often)


Dead Space 2
The Godfather 2
Army of Two: 40 Days
Brutal Legends
Bioshock 2
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
Condemned 2: Bloodshot
Clive Barkers: Jericho (unless you count ellis playing?)
Viking Battle for Asgard

Xbox 360:

Gears of War 2


DJMax Portable

(More To Come Soon

My review on Resident Evil 6 (demo)

oh i forgot to mention this last night but i finally played the resident evil 6 demo, since the actual game came out today, and my opinion on it (just the demo not the game) i didn't care for it there were lots of things that felt off about it.

so i guess i will start with the things i liked about it which was you can move and shoot which is nice (i don't remember being able to move and shoot in 5 i could be wrong?) but that was something they should have done back in 2 haha, the close quarters combat is so much better now finally i felt like i could have just ran around beating zombies to death and not needed a gun......well till i noticed i had 1 bar left haha then pew pew pew haha.

OK so now things I'm having mixed feeling about is the movement maybe i need to play more but the movement of the characters feels a bit strange, and in a way its a good thing they actually move a bit faster but in a way it was weird to move faster in the game haha i guess im just used to the slow ass Leon or whoever haha, but it was a bit weird. i also don't know how i feel about them having like 3 different stories and like 900 characters it seems like but maybe that will be good that's why this in my mixed feeling part of the review/ my thoughts on it.

and on to the things i did not like is the camera i couldn't stand the camera and ever since 4 i have hated the over the shoulder closer to character camera i feel like half the screen is missing cause this big ol character just all up in the way and its like damn man stop blocking the sun haha, and also i did not like how dark the game is and i get its a horror game and it should be dark but fuck this game is 2 dark i turned up the brightness and it did not help like the entire demo just looks like a dark screen with only a little bit of light where your at (which also why is there always light on me it doesn't look like i have a flash light? if your gonna be dark as fuck at least make it dark everywhere and not make you a flashlight with out a flashlight) but ya this game was retarded dark, i did everything to try to make it a bit brighter so i could see where I'm supposed to go, i turned my TV brightness up, i turned off and on my lights and the game brightness and nothing made it decently visible there were so many times where the second character was shooting and I'm like what the hell are you shooting at and i would run over there to see a very dark zombie (yes even standing next to the zombie i couldn't see its face it was literally a shadow walking around) oh and i don't like the new inventory screen its strange (maybe this should be in the mixed but whatevs i didn't like it enough to put it in the mixed)

so i sure i missed a lot of stuff that i liked/mixed/hated but this little message is getting long, so overall my thought on the demo ,let me remind you that this is my thoughts on the demo maybe the game is better? or not its Capcom so who knows haha but for me i would give it a average score its definitely not something I'm gonna go pick up first day if i had to give it a number out of 10 i would give it in my opinion a 5 or 5.5 out of 10 now if i was to do it as a actual reviewer i would probably give it a 7 or 7.5 cause some people are most likely gonna like the way the camera is or how the menu and all that stuff so i don't put my thoughts into it if i were to do a review and hell most people might think I'm not giving it a good enough of a score but i was basically going over the game aspects of it not the story if i actually played the game for the story maybe it would be higher or lower depending on how good or bad it is. so ya there is my review on resident evil 6 demo I'm sure no one gives a crap but i thought i would share my thoughts and i might do more of these but i will probably make a website or submit them to game websites to see if they approve of it or not haha

I hate people sometimes

god i hate people sometimes
im to the point in life where im starting to be a dick…………..well to people who deserve it i guess like there is this guy that my friend introduced me to a little while back (i might have talked about him?) and he just pisses me off and i never met the guy but the shit he sometimes says is like go suck a bad of dicks. its like really dude your gonna make smart ass comments to me that seem pretty fucking disrespectful and you never met me in person, how the fuck can someone do that? and its weird that i keep him on my friend list? maybe im being nice and thinking he will change but i know he wont, and its so funny as well that this same guy will be like oh hey buddy take me to blah blah place………….. WHAT!!!!!! who the fuck are you not even a please he literally said take me to LA ( i think? i dont remember) it wasn’t a: hey is there anyway i can bug you for a ride to LA if possible? no he was pretty much take me to LA slave. also mind you i told this guy from the get go i dont have a good car (since i was supposed to help him film a documentary) but yet he is like fuck your couch and take me somewhere. ehhh fucking people these days have no class haha.
i have to say that with this guy i am getting more and more sarcastic and rude especially when im tired like i am right now haha  i posted a video that was of a technical death metal type band and this guy is like oh i hate this music (actual quote: God I really hate songs with those type of vocals.) and my response for this and maybe you wont think its pretty sarcastic or what not but for me to say something like this is rare cause im the guy who will take alot of shit (which is probably why im still facebook friends with the guy haha) i said: well sucks for you

i have to say that for me this is out of the usual i would have probably said something like: haha ya they can be annoying. which i dont know why i would say that i think its cause i dont like to be rude? its just not the way i am. but i have to say this guy makes me fucking turn to a dick haha i think if it keeps going i might turn into a full blown jerk and that wont be good……..but hey at least the lady who are in to bad boys might like me haha j/k fuck that shit, they will be sadly disappointed haha

also like i said this might be pretty weak sauce to other people but i am not this type of person, im not the person who is gonna really talk shit to someone even if they deserve i try to be calm and i guess stay to myself? so ya thought i would share although like always no one will give 2 shits about what i say unless i post a picture of a dick or something. whatevs

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Another long rant no one will read

so i have decided to finally do something in life and that something is im gonna try to be gone by next week out to Vegas/Henderson Nevada. I'm done with cali and hopefully by next weekend i will have my bus ticket to go out to my aunts and start looking for a job, even though i have applied at a few places out there already haha, but ya i hope it will be happening and on the documentary i was supposed to be filming, the guy called me the other day saying that his editor cant you any footage from my camera cause its better then his and it will make it look weird or some dumb shit.... i don't know but he has been saying some smart ass comments lately and its been pissing me off and reminding me of my previous work experience with another supposed film maker, and i just had enough and said fuck you and fuck this i don't need you for anything. and also he pisses me off even more with his lack of owning thing to try and making a movie, its like really dude your a supposed film maker and you don't even have a fucking camera or lights or a computer for editing. what the fuck, im trying to do the same thing and i invested in what i want to do. why don't you, you fucking dick, and im not saying i hate anyone who doesn't have anything im saying if you think your the shit and badass and all that bullshit, why the fuck haven't you bought your own camera? huh i mean you can buy decent ones for like 200 bucks shit and just do like everyone else does and torrent software to edit with. and when you start making some money then be a nice guy and buy the product that you torrented. but i guess that's just how i think i mean i guess some people are all about being moochers and that shit and think everything should be handed to them cause oh they made a idea for a movie. i think that is stupid as shit if you want to be a film maker you should have some of the basic stuff like a camera and a editing program or at least have a partner that you can depend on that you always work with that has some of it thats fine too but dont come up to a complete stranger that you had never met and then be a dick and think all my shit is now your shit, i dont fucking know you. who the fuck do you think you are to demand me around like that? you are not fucking god and your are technically not my boss since really you dont need me for anything as you put it, but yet you still want to try and order me around fuck you.
Man it amazes me how some people are, maybe i was brought up different but i would never ever be such a dick to a person i have never met like that, sure i might be quiet and seem dickish but if we actually talk and what not you will see im a ok guy im not gonna be like oh hey can you do this or that or blah blah and give me this and that. no i wont i dont like asking for that type of stuff, sure i will post shit where it seems like i want you too with like a camera but come on its a joke cause it has happend once before where there like i will buy you this or whatnot (and it was something cheap not like a new camera or what not) and i told the person no no no i was kidding i can buy it myself i just wanted to show what i wanted online for people to see and pretty much be like hey look at this item that i will most likely buy soon, isnt it cool? wouldnt you like to buy this for me haha, im just joking i will get it myself..............ok im getting lost in what im typing i had a brain fart for a sec.......... but so ya im pretty pissed of at the this who i dont even know cause of a few thing he said to me and i just didnt like and maybe im over reacting? i dont think i am cause i have dealt with this before and it was not fun and i mean i went with it alot longer then this time cause im a nice guy and i was like sure lets do this i want to make a movie blah blah but after that first time it fucked me up to the world and now im like oh you want to be like this and make it hard or be stupid or what not then fuck that shit, suck my dick im down with trying to work with incompetent people who really have no damn clue as what they are trying to do. and hey maybe thats what making a movie is like? i dont know but for me its not like that a director/filmmaker (or a least a low budget/no budget director/filmmaker) should have all the thing need to make his movie in the first place and not have to rely on others to have stuff for him, now if he has the main stuff that is needed and someone bring more to the set and can be used that is fine then i will work with this person but if you are like oh hey i have nothing but you do some come pick me up and do what i want you to do with out even talking to you first to see if your ok about it, then that is where im like nope i wont work with you if you think cause you might have that name over you that i will listen to you and be like oh yes master i will do what you want master please whip me harder so i work hard master then fuck no i aint nobodys bitch or slave

ok so ya this rant might be crazy and i might have lost track a few times and hell it might not even make sense? i dont know im just basically letting my emotions out on a place where people i know in life like my mom for example wont come to me and be like oh hey blah blah blah so i decided i will put it here and probably my blogspot and just let my emotions out. to tell you the truth i dont give a flying fuck if anyone reads it cause it is long but i at least know i posted this somewhere to remind me never to let someone use me again like in the past cause as it keeps happening its making me a worse person and if it keeps happening i might become someone else that i never thought i would be. but ya that is what this rant is about so if you actually read this thanks and wow i dont know why you would want to read this long winded most likey terribly written rant im done good night and fuck your mother and tell her i like what she did last night hehe j/k

Friday, July 27, 2012

A long winded rant that no one will read


eww man sometimes i hate who i am i wish i could be better but im not haha and it sucks for the first time in my life I’m actually  thinking about asking someone out but i am second guessing myself saying oh your a piece of shit jobless bum you shouldn’t even ask her out or try to do anything like that. and in a way that part of me is right, its like what the fuck do i have to offer her? i have nothing. i have a few grand saved away for my desperate time that i am in cause no one will call me for a job interview that is slowly going away within a few months im gonna be completely broke, so what the fuck gives me the right to go to this girl and be like hey i like you and have for a while but just realized it now and was wondering if you would like to go out sometime soon, whether it be a traditional boring dinner and a movie or maybe something different like laying on a hilltop with a picnic basket of dinner or snacks and watch the world pass us by, by looking at the stars. i would probably be happy just taking a walk in the park getting to know each other better and if I’m fucking lucky possibly just holding her hand cause you know what i can be fucking romantic (no clue if that would be romantic but i thought i would put that cause i have never been in a relationship in my life well not a real one and so i would think holding hands is a big step haha i think i would enjoy that more then having sex is that weird?) but anyways ya i feel like a piece of shit and i guess I’m just afraid to ask her out? and also if say i did get the balls to ask her out and we do go out i hope i don’t fucking ruin her life cause she hasn’t had the best BF history and i don’t know how i am when it comes to a relationship, but i hope i wont be a fucking loser like her past 2 boyfriends. but i guess now I’m just getting ahead of myself cause who knows if she would even say yes? she might be like eww fuck off fatty, and then i would be like I’m trying to lose the weight haha but no i don’t know if she would even say yes i mean sadly we don’t really talk, i mean i would like to change that haha hence the whole asking her out, but i mean we haven’t talked as much as we used to back in the day before she had her first boyfriend, like then we were best friends hell we used to play random weird games at work when we should have been working haha and sad part was that was also the last time i actually saw her happy since she had her 2 shitty BF it seems like they sucked her fun away, but then again maybe things have changed since i got fired so i don’t know i don’t go to wal-mart that much to see so who knows maybe she is back to that?………….. wow ok i have gone on for a long time i guess i will stop letting this shit off my chest and go to bed and probably just lay there all night thinking about stupid shit. ok im done take care

Friday, May 11, 2012


i just got a call from full sail college and they are sending me a package of stuff and the lady told me that i can get some financial aid for a good chunk of the program and some other things where i can get some loans that i wont have to start paying until like a year after my last day of school which is cool. but it sucks too cause i know im gonna have to be in debt to them for a good chunk of money probably anywhere from $10,000 to lets say $60,000 im not even sure who knows and seeing those numbers scares the shit out of me cause that would mean im fucked in life having to pay those off haha but it is also exciting cause i will be going to Florida for 2 years and who knows if i do good enough maybe right out of school i can get a job and help pay that debt off that would be awesome. but who knows if that will happen or not you know.
 i guess i just needed to rant about this a little bit if anyone wants to say something about this like if i should or shouldn't do it let me know what you think, oh i dont think i mentioned it but i would be going for a film bachelors degree and it covers the basic film shit i know, and some editing and effects and stuff, and then it also does the money stuff like getting a budget for the film and hiring actors and all kinds of stuff. i feel like thats the right course to take since i want to do films but then im like should i try something else like maybe the game maker one? but i dont think im good enough of a artist to do that haha at least with special effects i can put some lightning on someones hand or blow a guys head off or some random shit, or if i get more into it i can learn Computer Graphic effects and i can make a better star wars then the first 3 films hahaha. so ya im kind of excited to do this and also scared cause what if it fails and i waste all that money im screwed for life, but since there is all this money im sure i will be like ya lets do this haha and not fuck off like in high school. oh well im done ranting, im sure really no one will read this anyways haha.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

side note

i forget to mention but i have been posting up dailyish vlogs lately on my vlog channel

if you have time go watch some videos they might be boring but you get to see what i do or well technically dont do since there is not much i do mostly lately has just been walking in the yard and talking to the camera and letting the dogs run free haha

I want to move

I have been thinking about it alot but i feel like i should move away from this place, but im scared to leave cause its pretty much all i know since i have been here for most of my life but the sad part is that i cant stand it out here i dont want to go anywhere cause im afraid im gonna get shot or stabbed haha which is prob not gonna happen but it might since its a pretty bad area, especially if you wear the wrong color haha but i dont know i feel like i should leave here, but like i said im scared and im also making excuses to stay like oh i have friends here or i have a band or i have film buddys to help film when really i can find that somewhere else also.
  I think i should prob take a chance and see the world and try to do something with my life i mean i am not doing anything now i just sit at home and watch netflix and play games with the occasional look for a job even though where i live it is hard to find a job and the fact i dont have a good working car makes it harder for me to get anywhere which sucks but then again there is the bus and all that shit so that really isnt a excuse for my laziness. i dont know hopefully soon i will try to do something for now i want to get my band together for one last show basically quite the other band and try to film a couple of little mini series and then maybe i will move somewhere? but i dont know where maybe i will go to arkansas where i have some family or maybe i will go somewhere new? maybe go to new york or Florida or hell maybe go international?
  I have no clue but i need to figure out soon cause life kinda sucks haha then again who knows maybe the 2012 thing is real and all we have left is a few more months and its all over haha, if only that were true just like how the zombie apocalypse was supposed to happen last year haha

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Man im getting old!!!

So ever since my birthday i have been thinking alot about my life and how i need to do something with my life i mean i have been thinking that for the last few years but it just hit me alot harder since i had my birthday, and it sucks cause im not sure what i want to do with my life i keep telling myself i should go back to school but i feel that its pointless. I mean its not pointless to go to school but for me it feels like it is cause all i would want to go to school for is film stuff but its not like if i get a degree in it i will get in the business you pretty much need to know someone to get a foot in, i feel that i should just skip the school and keep trying by doing videos on my own, but then again i need to start doing videos its been about 4 months since i have made a video which sucks.
   also another thing that i have been thinking about is i think its time i actually looked for a girlfriend i think i might be ready to settle down, but as i think about it i feel like a piece of shit cause im a jobless, living at my moms worthless piece of shit, so with me thinking like that i find myself being semi depressed when it comes to wanting to ask a girl out which i need to stop doing cause its just gonna fuck me up in the long run, and then i will be like the 40 year old virgin guy who is afraid to talk to girls haha but thankfully im not a virgin although i wish i was with the few times that i have had sex haha. and then also what makes me not pursue asking anyone out is i keep putting down myself, which i mean is my own fault cause im not really trying to fix the damn problem, well im trying but its hard living in the ghetto and being jobless, since i dont have the money for a gym and im to afraid to go walking around town cause im sure me being a big bald white guy someone will think im some fucking racist nazi skinhead. and also another thing about my looks/body is im insecure about my size i think its super small and girls will just laugh at it hehe, even though i think a majority of girls are nice enough not to laugh at a guy with a small dick in front of him haha but still i feel as though if i am really small i wont be able to please the girl im trying to do it with .
   so that is some stuff that i have though about after i turned 28.....ohhh im so old right haha. the funny part is i know i can fix all of the stuff i mentioned but i just keep putting myself down and it sucks in a way i kinda wish i can be brave enough to try and go out with someone and who knows maybe they will like me enough that it will help boost my self loathing haha, maybe i have to be like some of the people on tumblr and just say fuck it and post a nude pic haha although i would prob try to photoshop it so it makes me look slightly better haha. but i dont know im sure something will happen soon.
  oh on a pretty good note though i have got my old band back together finally and we gonna try to start getting stuff together and hopefully make some songs and a cd, and do a few shows, before i decided if i will be leaving California for good since im kinda thinking about it but im not sure now cause some stuff is making me want to stay but other things are making me want to go. who knows i will have a decision in July for sure.

ok thats enough for today i will try to update as often as i can i always forget about this site but its nice to come and talk on here cause im pretty sure no one really reads these so its just a little outlet for me to get some shit off my chest i guess haha

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

my thoughts

so i have some feelings lately that have been very strange haha its not the first time it has happened but its one of the worst i guess you can say, i did a show a few weeks back and met a girl and was absolutely stunned by her i mean she was gorgeous i literally felt like the little nerdy kid in high school that was scared to talk to the hot girl haha and its kind of shocking for me cause im really not one to get like that i usually am just like hey what up and then shoot the shit, with this girl i literally said hello how are you and then stood there like a idiot and then set my drums up haha cause i didnt know what to do, as i started to grab my drums i was like dammit man what is your problem haha.
  so as the night progresses i finished setting up my drums and she is sitting at a table with my friend and there talking and i cant help but do the shy stare where i use my peripherals to look at how gorgeous she is, and i ever once in a while think she is looking at me. i am not sure but im like oh shit maybe she likes me, then my well maybe there is someone behind me thought kicks in and there is someone behind me its my singer and he is setting up his stuff so when we get set up it wont be forever and a day haha, so i go well then ok she is into him and make my self kinda depressed (not really) and i continue doing my stuff.
   So now its our time to be on stage we get set up and all that good stuff and luckily i wear a mask so i can be staring at lots of random things but i was paying attention to her a little bit hehe, and as we started to play i was noticing that all she did was stare at me, given that there is only 2 people on stage haha, but im like oh shit maybe she really does like me, hell ya thats awesome. i get all like yeah my ugly ass has a admire haha even though not to be conceited but i strange get the attention of quite a few girls and not all of them are like ugly or fat i get some good looking girls (like the one im talking about) who will check me out and you know want to do stuff, and i mean if you know me or have seen what i look like im not a looker im a big hairy bald guy that kinda has a baby face i guess haha. but anyways i was like sweet maybe i should talk to her haha, oh and i cant forget my friend who i have liked for a long time but cant do nothing cause i think her and her husband are still together was giving me so many signals and giving me more attention then normal which is strange and im like why god why do i have to be tested like this cause i mean if i get a for sure answer on them being broke up i would try and see what can happen there, but thats another story really i just wanted to add that in cause i thought it was interesting and strange and nice all at the same time haha.
   so anyways we finish our set although alot of our equipment was malfunctioning so our set was short as hell, we start taking our stuff down for the next band my friend and that girl walk away to get a drink or something i dont know? i take my set back to the car and start putting it away and as i walked back to get some more pieces my friend says she is leaving and im like oh damn blah blah haha i give her a hug and tell her its good seeing her again and her friend is there and i still freeze up and all i can say is it was nice to meet you tonight and thanks for coming to the show............. WHAT!!!!!! dumb ass i should have said something else or something haha. but whatever chicken shit. so i go outside and putting the last pieces of the set in the car and they are coming out of the bar, and as they walk by im just like dumb and say take care, im like really fuck dude stop being a pussy.
    so finished with all that hang out for a bit then people are being rude and im like wanting to kill these guys cause they were being dicks to some people who came to the bar, that after a few sec those people who just got there left cause they didnt like the jerk offs talking shit so i was like screw this im gone , i drive home and all i can think about is that girl, i didnt realize it but the whole time i didnt even introduce myself and never got her name thats how stunning she was for me haha, so when i got home it was late by the way and i had a beer or 2 cause i wanted to go to bed haha, and i decided to send her a message and i told her that i thought her friend was gorgeous and that i feel like a idiot and i didnt introduce myself, she replys back that if she would have know she would have introduced us, but she didnt and im the loser who didnt say nothing, i also told her in my message that in a way i would like for her to tell her friend that i liked her and thought she was beautiful and what not like that, now i dont know if she did tell her friend that but she did tell me that she was going out with someone and that someone is my old singer from my old old old band haha and i was like ohhhh shit im fucked...... then i was thinking well if she had a man why the fuck would she be staring at me the whole time like she wanted to rip my cloths off and fuck me there at the bar.
     so the next morning my mom tells me that, that girl that i like was checking me out hard core the whole night and im like say what!!!!! you gotta be shitting me, my mom was like no the whole night all she did was look at me and then i guess i had talked to my mom at one point in the night and she had a confused face and went over to our friend and from what my mom could make out she asked who was that i talked to and my friend had said she was my mom and she then nodded and smiled at my mom, so im like at that point what the fuck really so does this girl like me or what? i then decided to add her on facebook haha ohh the life of facebook now huh lets become friends so that i can try to make you and your boyfriend break up haha, well all i can say is yes i did add her as a friend and we talk every now and again and i think we are slightly more comfortable talking cause she enjoyed my comment i posted on her thing where she was talking about whores and i said whores *looks around* i want one or two. and she thought it was funny and not weird, so its all cool. but on the subject of asking her out or trying to take her from her boyfriend, well im not the type of person to ruin someones relationship even if they seems to like me haha
     so for now thats what i had to write i wanted this somewhere so that i can remember it one day and go man i almost had me one of the most beautifulest girls in the world....... well to me haha but if there are any new details to this story i will be sure to add it on here one day

Monday, April 2, 2012

so a little rant

Well as of lately i have felt slightly depressed i don't know why but it sucks i think as i get older i wish things would get better but its not. I am sure i can do something more about it but i have no drive to do anything. i wish my goals in life were as simple as they were back in high school i just wanted to get a job, get a girlfriend/wife have a kid or 2 and live like that till i die, now all i want to do is try to be a movie director or something in the movie business and i know its a hard thing to get into so i feel as though my dreams(that just happend a year or 2 ago strangely haha) are fading and i don't know what i want to do with my life, i'm wondering if i should just do my simple minded plans when i was younger and just try to get a job and get a girlfriend, then get married have a couple of kids and hope that life will be great? i feel even thought as simplistic as that is wont satisfy me. well i have no clue anymore what i want maybe one day i will figure it out.