Friday, May 11, 2012


i just got a call from full sail college and they are sending me a package of stuff and the lady told me that i can get some financial aid for a good chunk of the program and some other things where i can get some loans that i wont have to start paying until like a year after my last day of school which is cool. but it sucks too cause i know im gonna have to be in debt to them for a good chunk of money probably anywhere from $10,000 to lets say $60,000 im not even sure who knows and seeing those numbers scares the shit out of me cause that would mean im fucked in life having to pay those off haha but it is also exciting cause i will be going to Florida for 2 years and who knows if i do good enough maybe right out of school i can get a job and help pay that debt off that would be awesome. but who knows if that will happen or not you know.
 i guess i just needed to rant about this a little bit if anyone wants to say something about this like if i should or shouldn't do it let me know what you think, oh i dont think i mentioned it but i would be going for a film bachelors degree and it covers the basic film shit i know, and some editing and effects and stuff, and then it also does the money stuff like getting a budget for the film and hiring actors and all kinds of stuff. i feel like thats the right course to take since i want to do films but then im like should i try something else like maybe the game maker one? but i dont think im good enough of a artist to do that haha at least with special effects i can put some lightning on someones hand or blow a guys head off or some random shit, or if i get more into it i can learn Computer Graphic effects and i can make a better star wars then the first 3 films hahaha. so ya im kind of excited to do this and also scared cause what if it fails and i waste all that money im screwed for life, but since there is all this money im sure i will be like ya lets do this haha and not fuck off like in high school. oh well im done ranting, im sure really no one will read this anyways haha.

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